Are we being too prescriptivist?

simple as that except that theirs probably also cases where foreign marketers created direct translations of their product which turned into 'ass man beer'. and also intellectual property hounds who kept domains for extortion/profiteering purposes. when a foreign firm goes to another country htey usually have to operate under the rules of that country, unless its a national firm-- marketing something before its become a fad and popular ie craft beer. Then it usually costs alot of money to chang ehte pbulc perceptions in favour of a 'New and improved version; because the inintial product marketed in terms has been accepted under tradition. Why would they bother to compete in a market where their product is already defined? being sold, and largely perceived due to previous marketing campaigns from some colonial timespace? largely, they would find strategies now for Overcoming that. But go to any country with industries that provide 'goods' which arent in keeping with the Actual nature of the true product as it is in foreign; this is because of changes in environment, tastes largely, and processes in that country which to be frank are so different in so many ways that its like trying to Reimpose your own cultural history on a foreign class. yea not going to happen.

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