Are the code bootcamp's silencing the voices of their critics?

I'm about 60% though a NYC bootcamp- General Assembly...

There is ONE answer to all of this. You get out of it when you put into it.

There are plenty of numbers to be thrown around- 90% hing rate within 90 days of completion, average salaries, etc... but it all comes down to what you put in...

You need to dedicate yourself 110% for the entirety of it. You need to take skills learned and reapply them to CONTINUE your learning on your own time.

The common mistake people make is assuming the course is going to teach you EVERYTHING you need to know... and that's IMPOSSIBLE.

No one can learn full stack and all the associated frameworks and languages in 12 weeks. Hell, it'll take someone who is in the industry 12 weeks to learn a new framework like Rails/Meteor/Ember from the inside out.

Assuming you're going to come out and know everything is dumb.

What they do is teach you enough to get a junior level position where you can EASILY increase your skills using the learning format you were taught in the class. You know how to read docs, you know the logic, you can adapt to different syntax or workflow. You're flexible and can adapt- that's a trait that will get you hired.

As for people talking negatively- the only people i've seen complain are the ones that aren't dedicating them 100%... and blame that on the course. FWIW- I spend about 9am-9pm every M-F working on course related projects and materials. There are people that are obviously struggling... and coincidentally... those are the ones pack their shit up and leave at 5:00 every day. They don't complete homework in it's entirety and they miss out on "locking in" what they've learned with examples. Anyone who codes knows... you need to DO- not just read.

Then there is the whole networking side of things... I'll leave that for another time.

I'll answer any more questions if you're interested.

/r/learnprogramming Thread