Are the majority of Reddit posters pot smoking low lives? Why all the hysteria over Session's anti weed opinions?

Late to the party, so here's my take if OP is still listening and not a troll.

I have smoked weed a few times in my life, but not for a couple years. I am not a Bob Marley shirt wearing burnout. I make 6 figures a year and will smoke again once its legalized in my state.

Sessions said "Good people don't smoke marijuana"...

Even if you're 100% sober and have never touched any illicit substance, anybody with common sense should acknowledge the absurdity of that statement.

Around 50% of all Americans have tried it at some point in their lives, so Sessions is basically saying that 50% of Americans are not good people.

So while I'm not hyped about Sessions appointment as AG given his Nancy Reaganesque views, at the end of the day I can't see him cracking down on the states that have legalized it. To make such a move would be extremely unpopular given that a majority of Americans now favor legalization, this would also cost states like Colorado & California billions of dollars in tax and tourism revenue.

/r/AskThe_Donald Thread