Are we really becoming a Broncos secondary subreddit?

This sub is an embarrassment, as far as I’m concerned. Frequently see Seahawks fans on /r/nfl (or occasionally in real life!) who say they don’t visit this sub cause the quality is so low.

Last year it was all fire PC/JS posts. This year has somehow gotten worse and is a bunch of talk about the broncos, some of which cross the line to really just enjoying other peoples misery (more in the comments than main posts).

I gave up trying to regularly read this sub years (and many accounts) ago. Its just a cesspool, and has been since 2013-2014 or earlier, when it really started to take off size wise.

Most team subs a pretty bad though. Echo chambers that amplify the worst impulses fans without any outside perspective to check them. At least we’re not unique.

/r/Seahawks Thread