Are the softness of the Toronto maple leafs Reflection of the city? Serious answers only

Last time I flew from EDM to TOR it was -38°C when I boarded. People in EDM were wearing toques, gloves and waist level jackets and carrying on like nothing is bothering them. When I landed it was -3°C. People in TOR were wearing jackets that were below their knees, wearing huge mittens I’d only consider in the Arctic and of course toques. People were shunting around like it hurts to be outside. I was so warm I had to remove my coat and carry on in just a sweater cuz it was only -3° out. People in TO have no idea what real snow is, like the east or what real cold temps is, like out west. I remember a couple years ago we had a stint of -50°C. Generally a deep freeze of a few weeks in the -30’s each year.

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