Why are UK universities blocking men's societies? It also seems to happen in the USA, Canada and Australia.

I consulted extensively with a few people about this. It doesn't matter I'm perpetuating it, the damage is done, irreversibly. You know it's impossible to argue with feminists, i have tried it, you literally can't win as they're incredibly well trained in mental gymnastics and basically bullshitting, strawmanning, and people see what they want to see. So if people already think mra's are evil (which they do, i can assure you on my campus, they do) you're simply not going to change that.

What we need is to cast off the acronym MRA. It's fucked. Seriously, amongst the student population you get shunned by all women if you're an MRA. It's completely fucked. I can't change that, it won't happen. So i decided to take a new tack: Fuck mra's, but seriously, men have issues. I just need to disassociate from the MRA label to get my issue taken seriously. People were surprisingly receptive to fighting for men's issues when you denounce MRA's. I use the brainwashing to my advantage to get people on board, i'm all about practicality and solving the issues and raising awareness of men's issues. Once people realise men are being discriminated against so widely, more widespread action will be taken, and maybe people will start waking up to the realities of feminism. But you can't just go in all guns ablazing, you will get fucking crucified and labelled as just another MRA and not get taken seriously.

You have to use public perception to your advantage. That's why I did that. By denouncing MRAs, I make myself look reasonable and on their side, while still bringing attention to the issues, as opposed to people dismissing them as just men whining about losing power (that's what feminists have painted MRAs as doing, we're angry we're not on top anymore apparently). So yeah, it's a long game. can't just go in and go FUCK FEMINISM GUYS YOU'RE DOING EQUALITY WRONG as you'll get royally fucked in the ass. Might as well use the brainwashing to my advantage.

/r/MensRights Thread Parent Link - telegraph.co.uk