"assault weapons aren’t the problem. Handguns are the problem. By all means, ban AR-15s and the like, but handguns kill far more people. The solution is to repeal and replace the Second Amendment." - Michael Ian Black

He has endless tweets about this and I just read too many -- it's infuriating. This is a scenario where it's 100% justified to be angry about another's opinion because, in this case, it is one that wants to take away (from you and 1/3 of American households) an extremely important right. I really hate these statistic-twisting and regurgitating morons who don't understand what they're pushing for. Even worse when it's some douchebag like this who has a sizeable audience to listen to them speaking from their rectum purely because they acted in a TV show or wrote jokes or developed a skin care line or made a red tape. You're uneducated on the matter -- shut that flapping fucking hole above your chin.

/r/NOWTTYG Thread Link - twitter.com