Gary Johnson has entered the U.S. Senate race in New Mexico as a Libertarian. How will this change the election?

I'm not even a fan of his, but I definitely empathized with Gary during that gaffe episode. One, I don't think it was fair. As someone who has followed the Syrian Civil War closely the past five or six years I can definitely forgive him regardless of his position there. "Aleppo" at the time was a trendy word in the news cycle for most people and nothing more. At the time, it was pretty much where public consciousness stopped concerning the war in Syria-- and I'm still not convinced that even people criticizing them could really explain what was going on in Aleppo let alone point out Syria on a map. It's one of the oldest trade hubs in Syria and had some of the most diverse demographics of all Syrian cities. Important to Syria? Sure. Something a President can be briefed on? Yep.

I just think it's unfair to Gary when the talking heads know little more than he does regardless if he misunderstood the question he was fielding. Politicians have said a lot dumber things.

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