Attention Server Owners

Yeah I remember you saying on the forums that you had a group of 15 people all working to make money, but everyone was skeptical because you couldn't name any of the other players and none of them had forum accounts, and the photo you mentioned never surfaced on the forums. It seemed incredibly fishy, especially since you were also a beta tester. This is just me mentioning, as a player at the time, what the general feeling on the forums was. I was a solo player so I didn't lose out on too much with the wipe, but the other major guilds were really pissed about it and to them the principle of what went down was enough for them to ask/support the wipe even at the cost of them losing a full days hard work.

Even if you legitimately had 8 people all on a LAN party, what you're describing what your group did was obviously something that was intended not to happen through normal gameplay (spamming 5x15 character creation and smelting items down) through and you guys knew that it was an oversight, just like people knew about the donation shop gump check oversight. I'm not saying they're on the same page in terms of inbalance, but you are saying that "incompetence" justifies bad results to a server, then technically wouldn't using a script you didnt code and just implementing without checking it also be sorta the same?

Honestly, I'm not trying to be a dick here: from all the information that I had, our staff member just wore orange clothing and talked to a GM as a joke, which like I said, was mostly as a wink/laugh at a player who in their eyes caused a huge amount of drama for them. If they did in fact spread items around, I apologize and I was unaware of that.

I don't advocate anyone ever harming anyone else's server. I had to work around the clock during UOAC2's launch telling our players in IRC not to spam UOF or do anything "retalitory" towards them, because most players thought UOF was DDOSing and ruining our server. I want servers to compete with each other completely based on their own merits, and I don't support anyone ever doing anything underhanded to another person's work.

And regarding the gump issue, I also legimitately want people to fix that, which is why I posted what I believe is specific enough information for developers to check their gumps and try to place safeguards, but I didn't say specifically what players need to do to exploit that issue (which has been around for 10+ years).

Again, I'm sorry if I came off like an asshole here and that wasn't my intent.

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