What are your thoughts on this article: The Greek Hero at the Gym

Okay, I'm about to say something controversial. I have nothing against bodybuilders... I have good friends who are bodybuilders and I train alongside bodybuilders (well, they're technically on the other side of the gym). I also don't think that bodybuilding in itself is a bad activity. But I think bodybuilding, or at least the general public's view of bodybuilding, is an overall net negative for the fitness world.

The general population thinks the bodybuilding physique is gross. Women (and men) avoid resistance training because they mistakenly think they'll accidentally Arnold. I took up Olympic weightlifting and nearly everyone I've told about it ask me if I compete in a speedo with bronzer. One time a friend asked that literally one minute after I showed them a video of me lifting at a meet... like it didn't even register that one could compete solely on amount of weight lifted overhead.

On top of that, nearly every piece of bro science out there originates from people misunderstanding and misapplying old bodybuilding guidelines. Globo gyms are full of machines that isolate muscles, while deadlifts are banned and the lonely squat rack sits in the corner. Of course, this means that those gyms only have dudes only looking for a good instagram beach pic or chicks looking to 'tone' with 3lb dumbbells, which only perpetuates the myth that weight training is solely for aesthetics. To be clear, I have absolutely nothing against people training that way and I respect their work ethic bigtime... the problem is that those are the only type of people there. The powerlifters and the strongmen and the weightlifters all get banished off to expensive niche gyms that allow chalk, deadlifts, and tossing around heavy weight.

It sucks, because the truth is I think if more people realized what strength training CAN be, it would become massively more popular. You see it with Crossfit. While they unfortunately do everything else wrong, at least they have popularized strength training and shown the world that weight training doesn't have to be a vain pursuit of muscle size and instead can be a vain pursuit of a bigger squat max

/r/Fitness Thread