August 24, 2021 Daily r/PMTraders Discussion Thread - What are your moves for today?

I am generally very happy with E*Trade. I have had accounts with them since the 90s. I periodically try other brokers but always come back to E*Trade.

Power E*Trade seems as nice or nicer than ToS, but that depends on each individual's preference. Quite a few people are passionate about ToS.

However! You are absolutely right about futures. It is not an issue with a Reg-T account (they just link the futures account to the margin account and do the sweeps as necessary -- that's pretty standard, I believe). I am not sure what you mean by "naked futures options," as the cash sweeps "secure" them, right? At least, that's what the E*Trade folks have led me to believe. I have the accounts set up but have not tried trading in them yet.

One cannot do futures trading linked to the PM account at E*Trade. On the other hand, E*Trade generally has very low BPr for SPX/RUT trading relative to other brokers (based on what I have heard rom others). Still, not as low as requirements for /ES.

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