Availability/Order Megathread

Reposting for visibility. UK Sucess.

Order: Full kit to the UK

Ordered: 17th Jan, 2021

Shipping status: ‘shipped - 15th March’


(3rd Feb) Edit: No movement...

(4th March) Edit: No movement...

(10th March) Edit: Changed Address

(12th March) Edit: Address change confirmed

(15th March) Edit: Shipped


Read: I did the address change trick. After hearing about two people who changed their address and had their items shipped, I tried the tick myself.

I changed my address on the 10th by contacting support directly. I asked for confirmation of the change and heard back on the 12th of March, and what would you know... It was shipped after the weekend.

Aboslutely insane that I had to trick their system into getting it shipped.

Fuck Valve.

/r/ValveIndex Thread