Looking to join T10/Level 100 Robocraft clan Invictus Rex?

In Game Name: Scolopendra

Steam Name: Mrs_Brisby

Age: 35

Country: US

Language: English is my native language.

Raidcall: Haven't used it before but don't mind at all.

Tier: 10. I can throw together a Mega, but It would probably suck, I'm waiting till I get closer to 30+ Million before playing with those, as I don't want to gimp my teams.

Level: 98 ( I'll be hitting 100 today. )

What do I play: I've played with a wide variety of bots, but find I play best with front line tanky type SMG's. I have a lot of gaming experience from other games which has helped me out here. So far in tier 10's my rank is around 14 million, though I honestly have no idea how that compares to good players, since I only have a handful of people on my friends list.

Currently been running a dominant gun build to rack up RP towards a mega bot, which has been quite successful actually.


I also like designing boss / challenge match bots though, with the new patch, honestly, I'm not exactly challenged in this which is disapointing for me. For me being able to design something with hard odds is what most of the fun was.

I've shared a small number of my bots here on the subreddit, my Centipede for example, which was very successful before they removed the ability to solo queue, It was undefeated.

Hours Played: I'm not sure actually, I know its a lot but hard for me to judge. I've played off and on since early alpha, though lately I've been putting more time into it than ever.

I probably play about 2-3 hours every day.

Why do I want to join IR? Well, I've been gaming a long time now, and one thing I've learned is that playing by yourself and playing with friends is a totally different experience. I personally prefer working with a team of people as It helps bring out the best in me, helps me to be a better gamer, and it's overall simply more rewarding for me to be able to share the experience with others.

What can I bring to the clan? Well, I'm a competant gamer, I learn fast, pay attention to details and strive to improve my gameplay in almost any game I play. In a number of other games I've gotten quite good at using that approach. For example, I used to play World of Tanks and was a very highly rated player. I have over 70% win ratio, and was in the top 1% on rating scales. A number of friends I played with regularly ended up going to China for the games annual world tournament. I could have gone with them had things turned out differently. Ironically a lot of what I learned in that game applies in this one.

For example knowing when to push, when not to, when to back up, cornering, hull down, using terrain to your advantage, etc.

Would I rather have 5 kills on a loss, or 2 kills on a win? If I'm playing with friends, I'll take the win any day. Even if I get no kills. Its a team effort at that point.

Anything else you should know?

Well, I totally love your music, Mr Buuren, you're the greatest DJ in the world!

/r/Robocraft Thread