Ayatar: Way of the Hydro - General Question and Discussion Thread

I didn’t think I would ever skip him bc he’s one of my faves and I’ve been anticipating his release since the first leaks abt him before 3.0 BUT after a lot of thinking I decided to go for one of his reruns. Specifically after the Fontaine patches bc I’m hoping by then I’ll have a better roster to choose from when it comes to Dendro teams. with what I have currently, it just isn’t exciting to me. I used dmc a bit but that does not spark joy and rn I have no plans to get Nahida, or Yelan, or Miko. I don’t have Shinobu yet. additionally, I‘ll be occupied farming for Scara’s artifacts for who knows how long until I get a good set and I have no resin to spare.

so yep, I’m going to save for Fontaine since I’m kind of excited for it and hopefully I’ll collect some characters to make a fun team for Hairham when he does come home one day. You could say I don’t think my account is worthy of him yet lol

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