Hatsune Mika - General Question and Discussion Thread

Current abyss is also unfriendly to Xiao, with evasive and spread-out enemies that are knocked back by his plunge. Even the kenki trio is wack for him, with their AI, high damage and one having a bit of anemo resistance. Rare is the case where an abyss is completely demolished by the featured 5* (unless it's a Dendro or Hydro unit because these are broken), it's just "a bit of help in favor". She can't hit the Herald shields, but she is good everywhere else (as good as she can be).

And sorry, but completely relying on Zhongli's shield for the big Kenki (exception is for Yoimiya's string) is not ideal. He has the most "tellable" attacks off all bosses, it's piss-easy to i-frame him at least 50% of the time.

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