Background Information on ECoB

You don't like ecob and don't like the gazette because you feel they present inaccurate information, fair enough those that don't are entitled to their opinion. But that joke of a website and this thinly veiled hit piece don't help your case, in fact they only do exactly what you accuse them of, trying to manipulate people by painting everyone against intensification as saying that its the end of the world. The fact I've heard a couple frequent commentators on this subreddit toss out the "sky is falling phrase" and immediately accuse anyone that is not for the current plans to build out Burlington of being alarmists and nimby's only makes me wonder if they are the ones producing this joke of an attack the last few days on people they disagree with.

This video goes on and on about misstatements yet constantly tries to put words in others mouth, its a farce. Asking for better planning from your city or not liking intensification does mean you think the world is coming to and end. Its all so ridiculous I really don't even know how properly address it....

/r/BurlingtonON Thread Link -