Why is it bad to fantasize?

The things we think about strengthen the synaptic links for those thoughts (simplification). The more you think about something the more easily you will think about them.

I think this is an issue as those thoughts you have are messed up, as you know

Personally i think you need to work on your self esteem issues and being assertive, advocating for your needs- and quickly dismissing bad thoughts as they arise. Ruminating on negative experiences will only deteriorate your mental state.

I have been in your place but my coping method was to take anonymous petty revenge and use dark majic against them- until a counselor pointed out that it was a pathetic way to live my life. She pointed out that it i had asserted myself originally then i wouldn't have got to a point where i built up resentments and mentally burnt bridges. People are not generally mind readers and i need to advocate for myself.

Thankyou for coming to my TED talk.

/r/antikink Thread