bdsm "rules" have NOTHING to do with actual safety... just avoiding getting themself in trouble & protecting kink scene

I get your points but that is not a lifestyle. Being more aggressive people can play sports and.. idk.. play with their shoes in the mudd while listening to heavy metal. Being sexualy deviant has implications almost no one considers because we are not taught the metaphysics of sex and we just get drawn to trauma based sexuality because of the darkness in our subconscious mind that as young people we don't know is real. Everything you wrote sounds logical but wait. Abuse happens when people do what? Lets say a husband loses his job and the woman takes care of a baby and is not working they have nothing to eat is that abuse? No. That is just bad and tough times together. But what if he did have money and ate in front of her eyes and starved her dor the fun of it? then it is abuse. What is different? It was on purpose. The intent. The intent of the husband in the first case is good but not in his fault he could not bring money and they were left without food. The intent in the second is sadistic. The special thing about sadistic intentions is that they horrify and cause fear dissociation and submission. That's dark occult fascism 101. But what is special about sexual sadism? It does the same thing but in a very deep level. If you want to defend lifestyles you know chi kongs in china are sold for organs. Nice people are bullied and taken advantage of. Why defending BDSM? I mean people are sadistically made to suffer and at times die, it can't be good

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