I was duped by BDSM. My fear finally saved me.

I agree and think even more extremely that It is a cult that involves worshipping of the antichrist spirit or the devil or however you call the opposite of morality and mercy. The practitioners of this cult are shown their rank in money, in pleasures, in boosting (a delusional form of) self confidence (an altar-ego) and even in mastering black magic. It exploits submissiveness, a "trait" or more accurately a hypnotic state rooted in emotional, mental, circumstancial or physical weakness, inferiority or threat combined with a leading voice you trust in that time and surrender to it's instructions. The natural submissiveness is to god. god's voice is an anchor of sanity that leads you from within. People who seek senseless dominance generate and exploit submissive states in others. It is done in bdsm in the same method that it is done to make submissive compliances or witnesses in crimes and "bitches" in jail and what not. Why calling it "cool" names like kink when it simply can be called evil.

/r/antikink Thread