Basic Questions Megathread

Im trying to get to 2100 in comp, currently at 1538. But i keep changing weapons and cant figure out what i like, or whats best. Ive been using alone as a god sniper, truth hand cannon, wizened rebuke fusion rifle, service revolver, and others. I try to use shotguns, just got an ok dust rock blues, and normally im good with them, but many times 1 shot isnt good enough, or they kill me faster than i can react, so im trying to keep players at a distance.

Are there certain pulses, scouts, hand cannons, even autos that work best for comp? I guess im just trying to find a decent gun to use as a primary to go with a sniper, fusion, or exotic. What are some primary guns with the fastest ttk? Any other advice on my gun loadout?

/r/CruciblePlaybook Thread