CMV: Some people shouldn't be allowed to vote

Define educated. The mechanic likely isn’t someone you’d consider smart/educated but he finds knowing how to change a tire to be like knowing 2+2=4 yet the average educated person doesn’t. Pulling the more educated card is nothing more then elitist thinking their knowledge is more valuable and makes them superior.

Who is more educated and intelligent. In this example? The guy with a high school diploma making 30k with low level job or the person who a bachelors degree in philosophy struggling to find something that pays half that while having 60k in debt. I’d say it’s without a doubt the mechanic. On paper he’s clearly less intelligent and educated by what is your definition (based off your opening post) but I’d classify him as more intelligent then the other guy who is supposedly more educated but is pretty clearly stupid in any way that matters did getting through life.

/r/changemyview Thread Parent