Beat Zico

Title I finally beat Zico! - Gold Trophy WipEout Omega Collection
Description I'm so pleased I finally beat Zico :) To get the trophy, you have to get a time lower than 30.82 seconds, on Anulpha Pass, using a Piranha ship on Venom speed class. I did this on speed lap, as you get 99 (well, 44 really) laps to attempt to get it right. Massive achievement for me, I never got this trophy in WipEout HD. So I have been trying on and off for 6 or so years. I dread to think about how many laps I've done trying to get this right. A week since the launch of Wipeout Omega and ...
Length 0:00:54
Title Not Quite Zico - WipEout Omega Collection
Description I think I missed the turbo pad at the end. I had no clue what I'd done wrong before I watched the video. It's nice I can try to work it out with this game.
Length 0:00:40

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