
I'm 29, so that should mean you're technically more versed with the internet than me.

Stop soloq'ing in League of Legends and take a moment to look at the sidebar of this subreddit and all those other subreddits.

As for books, here.

Apologies for being so prickly, I must be getting older, but I see these on multiple subreddits, so I'll give you an anecdote.

When I was a little younger than you (confirmed: i'm feeling old), I used to lifeguard at a pool. 6am I'd be there to watch senior citizens floating around on pool noodles. Eventually I started talking to the regulars and one in particular, piqued my interest when he discussed wealth. Ahh, I was so excited! "teach me everything!" I declared. He asked that I only read one book-- I believe it was Rich Dad, Poor Dad--among the list of books I'm sure people here will recommend. All he asked was for me to read that book, then he'd know I was serious about wealth accumulation.

You know what I did? I didn't read that book. I had parties to attend, games to beat, friends to meet. The man has long since passed away, but boy I wish I buckled down and just read that damned book and picked his entrepreneurial brain.

Years of useless spending, buying a car that depleted all my money and more. Getting my first career job and being overwhelmed with money that I spent more.

One day I looked at my bank account and thought, I am not a rich individual. I did as you did, I sought information on the internet. I read those damned books, blogs, everything. I learned financial statements and stock market fundamentals. It became a hobby! It is a hobby. I've corrected all my early silliness.

Great job on beating me, and many others, to the realization we all wish we discovered sooner. But buckle down, this stuff takes effort.

TL;DR - Great! start your journey with a couple of hours browsing this subreddit and all the subreddits mentioned in sidebar.

/r/CanadianInvestor Thread