This behavior from creators that run ranks is disgusting this is who y’all give ya money too! SNOOBOOKS is a bully on this app and on tiktok. After a live tonight calling her out it’s been brought to my attention this is her normal behavior. Emily you will now have a reason not to like me!

Who is y'all?? This is where this app gets messed up adding other people into stuff. We are all individual people and make individual decisions. I watched the live they didn't bully her. Sky also said she accepted her apology and wouldn't speak for anyone else. They didnt go on there and drag anyone else into it other than The person who was involved. And as far as people calling people out for being a bully and then turning around a bullying... ummm pot calling the kettle sounds like to me . I have watched y'all's lives in that group of friends and all you all do is bully and trash talk someone... It's someone new every week. I'm pretty sure black ice hasn't been live in awhile The sky has been live but not about drama that I have seen... Also yes the drama was 6 months old behind a fake page with no knowledge of who was speaking on them so it got hashed out publicly once it was brought to light. But you all are bullies and hell everyone on this app is a bully and just won't admit it. I have watched every one of you creators in these circles trash and bully someone so y'all all sound ridiculous.

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