What's the cutest story you know of how a couple got together?

Sort of a "Before Sunrise"-esque story. This guy named Roy lived on a tiny Australian island back in the late 1940's. Tough bugger. Never missed a days work. One day this girl named Lilla visited the island with friends. Just a day trip. He was instantly attracted to her but, alas, she was engaged. Nevertheless: Lilla's friends spent the day at the beach while Roy showed her around the island. She found him very arrogant but actually found that sort of attractive. They spent the whole day together and as sunset drew near, they knew that the inevitable goodbye came with it. He dropped her off at the ferry and she boarded it with haste and watched from afar as he gave a final wave, turned his back and walked away. She was engaged and he had work. He couldn't just drop everything! His walk slowed as it dawned on him that he would literally never see her again if he walked away. So he turned back and ran for that damn ferry. Fuck work. Getting to spend even an extra hour with her was enough to damn his boss to hell. As it turned out, she was very happy he went back for her. So happy that she ditched the poor old fiance and married Roy instead. They were married for over 60 years. They were my wonderful grandparents. When Lilla died, my grandfather - a lifelong atheist - said "I'll be seeing you soon my love".

There's a picture of them on that ferry. Lilla, lying in Roy's arms. My cousin and I often talked about how risque that it is for it's time. Especially considering she was still engaged. Nan, you saucy vixen!

/r/AskReddit Thread