Being a Social Justice Warrior - A Complete Guide

I upvoted you even though I suspect you might be a target of this very satire, but to be fully honest, I condemn the mass upvotes (not considering anything but this post, I can't keep up with replies but I imagine there might be more) because you raise a very fair point. There are places you cannot run into this type of behavior. I fear they're fewer than what a lot of others have experienced. Myself included.

I wish I had advice on how a liberal OR a conservative could take steps back and to appreciate the irony and comedy and over-exaggerations. I don't know if that comes natural or if that's a learned behavior, but I have always NEVER given a shit about politics. It wasn't until the primaries of Trump did I start to see patterns of rabidness on both sides. I think it's just as split as anyone would conclude, but I feel now, especially now, it's starting to sink in for many. The insanity this time is tilted far left.

It doesn't have to remain that way. The left can grow, The right can forgive. Dash 20 or 30 years in and it'll topsy-turvy again. That might be perhaps the secret to a great nation? A pendulum but a fair one. I just feel this time the left really took all the fair out and now many lefties are simply.. tired. We're all tired.

Unity was a big proponent of the SOTU and it wasn't the right sitting down on unity or talks of it. Some left stood. Far too few, however.

Either way, I dunno your beliefs but mad respect for piping up with this at least singular respectable response. I haven't had time to read replies but I imagine refreshing might... add some. Maybe for better or worse.

God Bless USA, take care!

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