Being Young

I did the whole school thing for society, my family. I'm done with it, got a degree, got good grades. Guess what? Don't have a job in my field, and I could care fucking less at this point.

All the time I'm reminded by people, "hey what are you gonna do for the rest of your life, what's your career?", and I just laugh. Fuck that noise, it doesn't resonate with me, I'll do what I have to, to survive and make sure I enjoy the shit out of my short time on this Earth, and raise some serious hell while I'm at it. Everyone I know who followed the "predetermined" path is miserable, and unhappy. I'm not saying everyone is, because I'm sure you could find some self-fulfilling wage slavery opportunity, but I feel like those are few and far between.

I'm happy, I have tons of free time, I get to write, read, play music, take walks, do photography, and do a ton of other things. Yea I'm poor as fuck, and I struggle to pay my bills but shit I do so much fulfilling stuff, that many may think is a waste of time or has no value in the context of society, but it fulfills me, and I value it.

I got forced into school and let social pressures send me back to college even though I never wanted to go back. Now I have a nice piece of paper and tens of thousands of dollars of debt. I'm not saying to not get a degree out of principle, I'm saying this: If you can't find any self-interest in that path, feel no part of yourself resonate with that path, then don't do it. Find another way that at least serves you in some way.

I have a job that has me standing around idly for most of my shift, and I found a decent boss, most of my work day, I'm either listening to music, writing, or reading some anarchist or similar literature. That's good enough for me. I'll never be rich, and I don't want to be. I know I'm a smart person, I don't need a salary to tell me that, or a job, or fancy possessions to prove to myself I'm intelligent.

/r/Anarchism Thread