Is violence really necessary to overthrow Capitalism?

Definitely without violence. The key e is through education and organization. By educating people about the negative impacts of capitalism on society, such as economic inequality and ecological destruction, and by building a strong and cohesive movement of individuals who are committed to creating a more just and equitable society.
There is alot of power in collective action, such as strikes and boycotts, as a means of challenging the power of capitalist institutions and building momentum for change. And of course direct democracy, rather than relying on a centralized state or capitalist class to make these decisions for you.
It's about the importance of creating alternative institutions, such as worker-owned cooperatives and community-controlled land, that can serve as models for a post-capitalist society and demonstrate the feasibility of a different way of organizing economic and social life.
If you develop a new culture and value system that is centered on mutual aid, cooperation, and respect for the earth and each other, as opposed to one based on competition, individualism, and profit, than a peaceful transition away from capitalism is possible if we work together, build a strong movement, educate ourselves and others about the problems of capitalism, and create alternative institutions that demonstrate the feasibility of a different way of life. So it's definitively possible without violence. And I'd say it's way better too.

/r/Anarchism Thread