Best Towers

World 1 Anything work except barrack just use hero to tank for w1

World 2 Lightning Tower with Global lightning if you only build lightning enemy pretty much die as soon as they walk out the spawn point it has global presense i love it just put some axe tower for buff only

World 3 Spear Tower don't upgrade the right one not worth it just upgrade spider and build more spear , Genie too expensive Mirror range are too short so the usage are really limited

World 4 Probably shuriken the rest i don't really like them at all fire are too short but mandatory for debuff purge

World 5 Shroom + Blunderbuss I pass most map in this world with just shroom and blunderbuss ( need only 1 or 2 blunder to take the entire enemy air wave ) if no air just shroom in chokepoint and just watch enemy melt

World 6 First half Shuriken second half Red Drum

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