Bisexuals need to take a backseat when it comes representation.

The bisexual plight is being erased and invisible, which is exactly what you’re calling for—that they diminish.

Do they get as much street harassment? Face as much legal restrictions? Get as many random death threats from different countries on the streets? Nah. But that goes for anyone cis presenting as assumed gender for the non-queer masses.

Bisexuals and cis ppl lack a lot of affirmation of their queerness because of their appearance. And the harassment fact hurts but it’s not the bisexual ppl harassing us bro. It’s the homophobes. Has our own internalized homophobia made us jealous of the bisexuals who can “pass” as heteronormative? Hmm??

The reason why they are so loud is because nothing else about them says queer—vibe, clothes, partner, etc. They need to be loud. And we should lift them up and HELP them with that. Damn bro. Your opinions are all explainable but that doesn’t make them right.

/r/QueerTheory Thread