The blob is dead at last!

(I know this is about Vicky, but here goes)

cue grainy panoramic shot of London

I came to London seeking fortune,

But the Prussians want all of us dead.

The capitalists have a massive iron fist,

The King eats imported French bread!

The people of London are hungry,

But think what a feast there could be,

If we could create, a reactionary state,

That cared for labor pops like meeee...

I am the man who builds the factories,

That are ordered by the great head of state,

Concrete's down, but the price will rebound,

And we all will have pounds, subsidies are great!

Sometimes it seems that to build things is fine,

And that an object's prices shall not fall,

But sometimes I wish, and I must confess it,

I should not have invested, in that at all.

Can I produce liquor please?

Why must that RNGesus tease?

I am the man who builds the factories,

That I am still ordered to by the state,

Come, Londonite, aristocrats UNITE!

An oppressive regime, won't it be great?

I work so hard at building factories,

But all the subsidies all bleed me dry,

But the far right will rise, we will not compromise,

For we know that the liberals must die!

Long live dark grey, or all's lost,

We salute the Iron Cross!

I am the man who builds the factories,

That I am still ordered to by the state,

That big shipment of cows,

Is the government's now,

Isn't state capitalism just great?

Long live fascists, they love you,

Build more guns, or you know what they'll do! shot of 'Kill the Undesirables!' decision

I am the man who builds the factories,

With parts made in the British Hausaland!

They're ten times overpriced,

And quality's not nice,

But surely, the Great Leader has this planned!

I am the man that constructs all the tracks,

That sends soldiers to rebels far away,

With every passing hour, we beat all the Great Powers,

Oh boy, isn't five thousand prestige great?

The sun shall set never more,

We shall crush all in the Great War!

I am the man who builds the factories,

That build weapons at an alarming rate.

Hip hip, hooray, for the fascist UK!

Our bomber wings blow the Krauts away!

I work so hard at building factories,

But each night, I go home with a big sad frown!

Just let me do it, please, I don't build factories,

And then just 'cause I want to, shut them down!

Endless work for zero pay,

This is one game, I shall not play!

I am the man who builds the factories!

...But tomorrow, I think I'll stay in bed.

The economy's blast, everyone's out of gas,

And it's ten pounds for one unit of bread.

It might be better, maybe,

If we vote in anarchy!

I am the man who builds the factories,

And I'm paid by capitalists, not the state!

Thanks to lasseiz-faire, profits are everywhere!

Anarcho-liberalism is just great!

Thanks to lasseiz-faire, profits are everywhere!

Anarcho-liberalism is just great!

(It's just great) It's just great!


And now reforms are passed (although half-assed),

And gerrymandering's the past!

And people there, now don't despair,

You can assemble here and there!

Our prestige is now number four, and who cares about stupid score?

But because right-wing knows the right things, they have all the tricks!

So let's repeal trinket healthcare,

'Cause there is a second Red Scare,

Prepare sick flags to be unfurled,

As we're gonna take on the world!

We shall reclaim the Indian soil,

We shall obtain Arabian oil,

We shall build factories and toil,

'Til eighteen-thirty six!


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