AGGers who participate in Ghazi--what are your reasons?

Because a lot of it was her complaining about getting called out, too.

No it wasn't.

She never complained about the fact that people thought her joke was racist or criticized her for it.

She complained about the harassment, vitriolic personal attacks, and damage to her life.

They were saying that she was trying to re-establish the criticism as harassment.

She never at any point conflated criticism with harassment.

No they are making fun of a woman for discussing the criticism against it -- as I said there was harassment in addition to that;

Not a single thing brought up in that article was a legitimate criticism.

It was all either personal attacks or outright harassment.

it's just that our sympathy is very short for someone who was making racist statements, which is worse than some forms of harassment.

Are you serious?

Are you honestly claiming that making a somewhat tasteless joke (and immediately apologizing for it) is worse than harassment and makes someone undeserving of sympathy?

I don't see how someone can claim to be against harassment while trivializing it to this degree.

Yes, while calling her a bitch, while calling her an attention whore, etc for criticizing games. This is what's called a false equivalence: when you try to relate two distinct situations that arise in completely different circumstances.

I've seen accusations that Anita's playing up her harassment for attention referred to as harassment on Ghazi before even if there was no name calling involved.

You honestly think the two situations are the same? They are completely different!

Both involve someone being accused of trying to use the harassment against them as a way to get attention.

I don't see what makes them oh so different aside from the fact that one of them involves someone you don't like.

Because you cannot equate the two!

And this right there is why a lot of people (myself included) have trouble taking Ghazi members seriously when they cry crocodile tears about how people like Zoe and Anita are being harassed.

While no member of Ghazi has ever (to my knowledge) harassed anyone themselves or called for anyone to be harassed, y'all only ever seem to care about harassment when it's targeted at someone whose values align with yours.

Just because Zoe and Anita are feminists and Sacco is a random person who made an unintentionally racist joke doesn't magically make the context different.

All three have experienced harassment and all three were accused of seeking attention by talking about it.

Like I find it so bizarre that you are accusing IrbyTremor of harassment.

I never once accused her of harassment, I accused her of defending harassment in this instance.

I know her; the whole reason she decided to mod Ghazi was because she was against harassment. You are making some very unsubstantiated claims here.

I judge people by actions rather than words, and it very much seems like she is defending harassment in this instance.

/r/AgainstGamerGate Thread