Last night my wife and I were drinking and I made a drunken confession. Not sure how to proceed. We haven’t talked about it yet.

Not having a romantic partner who engages in same sex is not homophobia, no matter how well you twist the definition. Discrimination is preventing or diminishing a person’s quality of life because of who they or how they live their lifestyle. How is not being in a relationship with someone, like OP, diminishing their quality of life? Twisting the definition to fit your “reality” is insightful and provides me with an greater understanding how manipulation uses emotion instead of logic. I don’t associate my self with homophobia, because I’m not homophobic. I don’t need to prove it to you, because your opinion is nothing more than your opinion and that’s worth about as much dog shit on the bottom of someone’s shoe.

It’s a sensitive topic for people and I get it, but try to separate your emotions from logic and understand your last post was nothing more than a contradiction of what you previously said. Why are assuming my gender? Is that we do now? Lastly, I could never associate my self image with what you think. It doesn’t bother me that you’re labeling me because your label is inaccurate. But you feel I’m homophobic, is there something I could do to change your opinion of me?

/r/Marriage Thread Parent