BMW I3 2017

That... wasn't very good. As a product film or a lifestyle film. If I may be an armchair ad exec...

It's not good as a lifestyle film because this guy kind of sucks. First of all, he forgot this girl's birthday. Ouch. Second, he sped all over town for a remote controlled shark? That's a pretty vapid gift dude. She didn't look impressed. Nor should she be. She's not 12. How about something more meaningful? If you’re at the she’s-a-contact-in-my-phone stage, you can do better. Your piercing blue eyes will only get you so far guy how about some effort.

It wasn't very good as a product film, because it really only highlighted one feature and it's one of the least used features of this car. Sending routes to my car? Doesn't everyone use Google Maps or Waze or, I guess, Apple Maps? Is anyone really using BMW Nav when the stakes are actually high? Certainly noone in San Francisco. Also this car has an amazing interior and they never really show it. In fact, they shoot it like they're avoiding it - shooting from low angles and tight crops.

Ways it would have been more effective:

*Beat something sleek off the red light. Even if the other car isn’t trying. *Zipping around town while giving a sense of the commanding driving position *Extreme turning radius wins a parking spot in front of the bakery *Suicide doors to quick-load that delicate birthday cake (it's not a bug it's a feature) *Run into another store to get genuinely meaningful gift. Precondition temperature from phone or watch so birthday cake doesn't melt. *She’s at an outdoor cafe, and the car pulls up silently. Surprise is in-tact. *Present meaningful gift, get genuine smile. *Show companion getting into car and quietly/subtilely admiring interior.

Anyway, just my .2 from a less-attractive 30-something urban dweller who owns one of these things.

/r/BMWi3 Thread Link -