Americans of Reddit, from an overseas Redditor. What is required to buy a gun in the US, and are there any badly needed ownership reforms which do not involve some form of abolition?

Ownership reforms are not the solution. Its like locking your front door when you leave home. It only keeps the honest people honest. This country is inundated with weapons, legal and not. Any true gun enthusiast can make,alter or otherwise machine a semi auto gun into a full auto. Our Government and its agencies, cannot keep track of their own weapons (google, fast and furious) nor are they very good at tracking all of the stolen or otherwise appropriated military weapons.

Being that this question comes on the heels of the recent Las Vegas shooting. That "Jerk Wad" (i refuse to name him) would have apparently passed any and all (and had) background checks or any other proposed controls.

As with any other dysfunction personally or in society. These situations are but symptoms of a greater sickness/dysfunction that is and has been pervasive in our society. Way to many people want to make a political agenda of these situations, and continue to address symptoms, rather than causation. (Taking ibuprofen for a headache caused by a brain tumor)

Thank you for asking this question.

In my mind, way to many things do not add up about this recent shooting. We will see in the days to come.

I am tired of naming these fucking jerk wads repeatedly and giving them any notoriety.... I realized, I could not remember the names of the people who died on challenger, but I can almost remember every damn assasin, mass murderer over the past 40 years, jerk wads.....

end of rant:

/r/AskReddit Thread