Why bother with balance changes when nothing changes?

Oh you mean the Supercell employee? Yeah pass, I asked him plenty of questions on that thread and he admits he didn’t actually test it himself he just pulled stats from whatever website. Anyone who actually tested it themselves would show stats to backup they match certain cards more when using certain cards. Nobody cares about hundreds of thousands of random matches not done in order that proves nothing. It’s not analyzing one players games it’s one from here and there but never the same people and not back to back. Go ahead, do 50 games using bait and then do 50 games using golem beatdown. Wonder which one draws more inferno towers, executioner, big pekka. You never see beatdown killer decks using non beatdown decks why is that? Confirmation bias eh? Glad SC hired good people to convince you it’s not true.

/r/ClashRoyale Thread Parent