When do you think something will happen with Brexit?

I have honestly no idea. The UK is currently in a state of turbo decline. There is no light at the end of the tunnel here. We no deal, our economy tanks, we leave with a deal we become the EU's bitch, we stay in we prop up the globalist agenda and compel ourselves to ever closer union.

On top of all this is the cultural, educational and economic stagnation which started decades ago has now begun to degenerate and fester. I live on a compost heap that believes itself a mountain. Services are useless. Discord is everywhere. There is no consensus or unity and there is an eerie stillness in the air that heralds approaching civil unrest

Corbyn cannot save us, Mogg cannot save us, the beige eyed blarities that dominate the house cannot save us. We are living life on the edge of the plughole, waiting for the last gush from the tap above to wash us clean into hell.

/r/ukpolitics Thread