boyfriend doesn't need sex what should I do

no problem, glad i could share. i feel the same way. like it's been this long and i still think, like maybe they will change their sex drive, but they still haven't. and all this time we probably could be will different people who DO have the similar sex drive.

but yeah. neither of us has changed. i'm still as horny as a rabbit and they are not at all.

so yeah.. chances are, your partner will not change either, so might as well save yourselves a lot of grief/heartache and find this out now

dont be like. me :) :(

then when/if you do breakup... make your sexual drive/interests a priority.. like on the 2nd date with someone, be like... "look...i don't want to be too forward, but how often do you like sex and what sort of stuff are you into"

like.... seriously, if sex is important to you than you should find someone who also likes it just as much as you

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