Bronze ADC Main - Looking for help climbing in S7

No offence intended at all, but I've noticed something about golds; they're all incredibly nice and willing to give their opinions, but most of their opinions, imo, are wrong.

Like the other time i smurfed in gold and lost a game to a vayne. He specifically stated that i should've spent more time keeping him from farming but in reality the game was a battle between me and the fed riven+hecarim who had a lot damage, and a lot of tankiness thanks to CoC. I think his intentions were good, but he doesn't really know anything about how the game should go.

Similarly, your idea of not pushing the lane falls into a similar category. Against a blitzcrank and lucian, who are looking to kill you, you need to keep the minion wave pushed so there are less opportunities to lose a 2v2. Fighting a big minion wave is an disadvantageous situation, and having more minions means less opportunities for blitz to hook you.

Additionally, you have a morgana so you are very safe against blitzcrank. Of course, you can bring up the argument that the morgana is bronze so he might not know how to shield, but i can also bring up the argument that the blitzcrank is also bronze, so he won't be able to land hooks.

Honestly, pushing the wave is one of the best ways to win lane from bronze-plat and arguably low diamond. Not a lot of players within this elo range know proper wave control so endless pushing will go unpunished. Similarly, junglers at these elo simply aren't good enough to punish you for having bad wave control, so endlessly shoving waves will tend to net you more advantages than freezing.

Of course, this no longer holds true in diamond+

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