"But... heh heh... how can you be religious if... heh heh... THERE IS EVIL IN THE WORLD? Checkmate, KKKristians."

Great you're calling me a racist just because I'm practicing my right to be a religious muslim boy.

In case you're living under rock, back then the prophet would attack cities just to "guide people to the right bath" and he would kill anyone trying to defend their land and women. Women and children would be taken as slaves females for sex children and blacks for physical labor.

Try to deny this I dare you.

What a fucking shame. Societies who bulid modern world, advanced in since, music, visual arts, and medically are know respecting a pedophile.

Quit your bullshit of defending the cause of middle east being a shithole

Quit your bullshit of defending the reason people of the same country are killing each other for nothing

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