Communism = good Nationalism = ba

Yes it does. Communism, though with many flaws, has lifted millions of people out of poverty. In Cuba, life conditions became much better, the USSR become industrialized and lifted many people out of poverty, China after the famines had great economic growth, and decreasing poverty. But when you look at the reasons for their authoritarianism, you see the economic sanctions, the blockades, and coups that the US does, based on the elimination of socialism, in favor of them taking the materials from the land. Great example is Chile, Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia. In Chile they installed a fascist dictator, arguably one of the most horrid people in the 20th century. In Cuba they had another dictator, Batista, that served the purposes of the US. Venezuela is a country with a lot of oil, which is the reason the US has tried to coup them many times. In Bolivia, they had a coup against Evo Morales, democratically elected socialist, and now they are taking the countries resources to give to people like Elon Musk. Not to talk about Iraq, in which Saddam Hussein was a horrible dictator, but now the people want him back because of the terrible US puppets installed. Most people that lived in the Stalin period will most likely tell you that their life conditions decreased with the economic liberalization. Same Allende and Pinochet.

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