[buy] Petites for some vanilla photos/videos.

The propaganda was interesting. Crude, but the people hadn't ever seen that sort of medium before. So it was probably effective.

Trench warfare against Germany. A lot of the area is still uninhabitable in this century because of all the bombs and landmines that are still live.

There was a lot of training of African soldiers. I haven't ever heard about that part of WWI before.

All of the plane footage was neat. Air combat was brutal in WWI.

Did it say 600 million people helped in weapons fabrication? All of those statistics are staggering. So many munitions. Planes were almost nonexistent in France before the conflict. By 1918, there are like thousands.

Some kind of comparison to Napoleon? Probably the scale of the war. General Fauche is popular and effective.   The demilitarization of Germany was signed at Versailles. Ironically, this action is what leads to WWII.

Over a million died. Millions more are maimed. The images are horrifying. Prosthetics probably became much more advanced though. The horror of the war leads to a large wave of pacifism. This also leads to WWII.

The next decade has lots of things signed. "Pour le paix du monde."

I didn't really comprehend the bald guy at the end, to be honest. But I recognize de Gaulle and the summary of 1936-39. Nazis incoming.

Captions helped me in understanding the documentary considerably. They translated the song at 30 minutes completely wrong though.

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