C++ coding help!

"#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { // variable names int hours; char ilett; float total, total2, total3, rate; cout << "Please Type" << endl << "A for Package A" << endl << "B for package B" << endl << "C for package C" << endl; cin >> ilett; switch (ilett)//user slects a package { case 'a'://user selects upper or lowercase a case 'A': cout << "you have chosen package A"<< endl; cout << "please enter number of hours"<< endl; cin >> hours; total3= 19.95; rate = 9.95; if (hours > 744)//max hours is 744 {
cout << "invalid amount of hours please try again.\n"; cin >> hours; } if(hours > 10)//if user goes over limit of package {
total = ((hours-10)*2)+(rate); total2 = 14.95; cout << "your total is $" << total<< endl; if(total > total2) cout << "If you had Package B you would have saved $" << total - total2 << endl; if(total > total3) cout << "if you had package C you would have saved $" << total - total3 << endl; }

                    if(hours <= 10)// default package
                       total = (rate);
                       cout << "your total is $" << total << endl;

    case 'b'://user selects upper or lower case b
    case'B':cout << "you have chosen package B" << endl;
            cout << "please enter number of hours" << endl;
            cin >> hours;
            rate = 14.95;
            if (hours > 744) // max hours is 744
                  cout << "invalid amount of hours please try again.\n";
                cin >> hours;
                if(hours > 20)// if user goes over limit of package
                    total = (hours-20) + (rate);
                    cout << "your total is $" << total << endl;
                    if(hours <= 20)// default package
                       total = (rate);
                       cout << "your total is $" << total << endl;
    case 'c'://user selects upper or lowercase c
    case 'C': cout << "you have chosen package C" << endl;
              cout << "please enter number of hours" << endl;
              cin >> hours;
              rate = 19.95;
              if (hours > 744) //max amount of hours
                  cout << "invalid amount of hours please try again.\n";
                cin >> hours;
                total = (rate); //default package
                cout << "your total is $" << total << endl;           

    default: cout << "your choice is invalid.\n";   //if user does not select A, B, or C                

return 0;


/r/AskProgramming Thread