California Based Outsourcing Firm Lead Pleads Guilty to H-1B Fraud

My solution is that the company who uses h1b to hire from overseas should have to pay 150 percent of the pay to hire someone in that area. The visa holder gets the full 100 percent pay based on the average income for that Field. Since by using the h1b visa you should then contribute the remaining 50% into a education fund for American citizens. By using the h1b visa you are indicating that there is not one single American that has the qualifications and training to do the job you needed to be done.

This way the left is happy, yay free education. The right will be happy for their to be a penalty for those companies that use them and makes them consider training and investing in the domestic work force.

The added bonus is it will kill the use of the h1b visa for cheap labor. It is also immigrant friendly because now immigrants are not being exploited as cheap labor.

The education fund that I mentioned will only pay out for education if the degree path in question was outsourced by h1b visa up to the limit of the money contributed to fund for that skill. If no visas were granted to fill a gender studies degree then you can't use that fund for that degree.

The other benefit of this is that it is immune to most forms of evasion. Biggest is contractors. Someone pays the fee for the visa holder either the parent company of the outsourcing firm. Even hiring independent contractors can't be done. There has to be practically a signed contract before the visa is granted and then the company is still assessed the fee. You cannot get a h1b visa to enter the country hoping to find a job.

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