California Governor Issues Executive Order to Protect Renters and Homeowners During COVID-19 Pandemic

I'm a landlord. I provided a home for people who couldn't afford to purchase their own and who were trying to turn their life around and rebuild their credit. They wouldn't have been able to have a home with a yard for their kids without me renting to them. They rebuilt during their time in my home and were able to afford to buy their own.

I rented to another couple who were getting their education and needed a place with a yard that allowed pets because one of them had medical needs. They couldn't get an apartment and I provided them a house and fixed their rent below market for 5.5 years, never raised it once, and they were able to got their educations, paid down debt, and start saving for their own home. They were able to build their life because I gave them a chance.

I rented to a couple who were a mixed family and they needed a place to go during a legal and custody battle. She was self employed and he was trying to get back on his feet after the economic downturn in 2008-2009. I adjusted their rent to where I was actually paying part of the mortgage. They couldn't afford their own house and needed to be able to move for his job after they got the custody worked out. I gave them a home and even terminated their last lease early when he got a job and they moved their life to where it was located. They were able to buy their own house once things stabilized.

I'm a landlord because I am privileged enough to have the resources to own another home and I use that to try to help people.

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