Can we just Adapt?

lol we've been having this same shit since AW. first it was a dampened down version of this (scorestreaks in bo2) but the "lets give things a chance/you need to adapt" people have come in swarms to competitive in recent years. i blame driftor personally. you people are ruining cod but worst still your ruining competitive too. if you dont want to play with bans and stuff play pubs, let the people who actually enjoy competitive play the way they want to.

the worst thing is a very small percentage of people (including not all pros because retards like clayster jumped on the bandwaggon too) knew this shit was terrible from the start. it got to the stage in bo3 where we literally had to argue with vonderhaar about why UAV should be banned, dont get me started on the arguments about Stim and Cloak in AW (which have made it back into bo3 and are unbanned lel). As long as the maps, guns and movement are good a cod game is good and all the BS shit can be banned, but we dont get any of that anymore and on top of that the BS shit gets forced in too. Traditional COD is dying and its taking competitive down with it. But tbh if the game is just trash no amount of bans can make it good, its still a trash game just less trash than it could be. But if you want to play with nothing banned you can play pubs or team tactical for 4v4

/r/CoDCompetitive Thread