Can we please stop making posts complaining about the trophy wheel?

They just want to feel good about their time investment and circlejerk about the shiny tanks/planes they can play.

This may surprise you, but it's a game. Ideally we're looking for relaxing fun.

I love WWII planes and tanks that's why I played this game so much, but eventually it wore off as I realized how much is wrong and how little effort gets put into actually fixing issues.

Shit bud, if you can handle very minor historical accuracy (as far as historical accuracy can even go given the wide variation in testing data we have available to us) then read a goddamn book.

The content that gets pushed out is to maintain that "Oh new shiny thing to grind/buy" mentality not make an all around good game. I guess its just the time we live in now.

What the fuck? The time we live in now? Are you a huge troll? I thought I should ask because otherwise you just sound hilarious saying something like that? Le raise your spork if Zelda was le best game evahhh.

I wish the community could realize this and band together to change the direction of the game, many will say its not possible, but I can point to the direction indicator that got removed from historic that the whole community raged over. No one liked it, it was general consensus, we all complained about it together and a change was made, most likely because of a fear of net profit loss, but again if we acted as a community and not just singular entities much more could be accomplished. This mentality works for anything not just video games.

I know I mentioned it, but it's a great example, Dayz was ruined by this kind of nonsense. Give just a touch too much leeway to the community and you're sitting on a pile of shit.

Face it, you're stupid. Everyone playing these games is generally stupid about them. The communities for most games are stupid and all of your ideas are stupid. If you weren't full of stupid ideas you'd probably be modding/building your own. So when too much power is in the hands of stupid people like us who don't know what we want or how to do what we think we want. You have endless shit. Thankfully you have no real say because your ideas for this game are stupid.

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