Halloween, something wonderful to do ? ex Witness kids Think so. But do they know the truth?

That’s good, to bad the twentieth century became a time for the reformation to backslide to include many of the same practices as the Catholic Church. Like heavy use of the Cross, arguably a mix of pagan worship of the God/ man Tammuz / Nimrod.

Crucifixion is an ancient method of painful execution in which the condemned person is tied or nailed to a large wooden cross (of various shapes) and left to hang until dead.

The term crucification comes from the Latin word called crucifixio ,meaning: fixed to a cross, from the word cruci- meaning: cross, + the verb ficere meaning,

fix or do. When you put the word cruci + the word ficere = crucification or crucifixion (crucified on a cross).

Since the time of Nimrod, the cross has been a symbol of Nimrod's spiritual supremicy over God's spiritual authority, structure and word.

This sign in form of a cross was used by the ancient idol worshippers as a sign of reverence to Nimrod's system,

and later on these pagan groups began to sacrifice people who seemed to be a threat to Nimrod's spiritual system.

During the time of the roman empire, Nimrod was considered as a sun god, but also his ways of doing things were widely spread among the roman emperors.

The cross has always been used as a symbolic sign in pagan rituals of Babylon, which was introduced to the world by Nimrod as in Daniel 1:1, Dan 2:10, Genesis 11:28-31,

In Ezekiel 21:21-23, the cross symbolized a geographical location or junction from where the pagans used their spiritual enchantments and casting of evil spells ,

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