Percentage of U.S. women never married, by age, 1980 & 2015 [OC]

I was reading the comments above yours and silently thanking myself for never getting married. I wasn't thinking about the men I know who are still married (they are doing well enough) but rather the men I know who had tried marriage and not had it work out. On the spectrum, my lifestyle is much, much closer to the married men than the divorced men.

Like the married men I know, I own my own home, have a new car, have a savings account and etc. I'm not rich or anything, but I have a small feeling of security. The divorced men I know all live paycheck to paycheck. Some of them make the same as me, some make even more. Some of them send a considerable sum away each month in child support. Some have old debts they are still paying down. Some are attempting to do one or both of those while supporting a girlfriend at the same time (too burned by marriage to do it again, not burned enough to be single).

Given the two sets of examples I have, it seems far safer to stay unmarried. The men I know who have managed to stay married are happy enough, seen from the outside, but they are a minority amongst the men I know. Most are divorced and not doing so well.

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