Can we show Samox some love?

It released a few months ago, and he did a really good job with it. Some people were upset with some choices such as music (sad [or as Samox argues-- forebodeing] music during Leffen's sets), tone around Leffen in general,and some other things featured that didn't really need to be included. The complaints were exacerbated by Mango and Leffen making numerous comments. After being drained and pouring so many years and so much effort Samox seemed, understandably, hurt by the reaction. Some criticism was certainly fair, but overall it was good and a lot of the community agreed. Regardless, there was enough discontent that Samox went back and had re-edited what sounds like a reasonable amount of it (or at least the complaints), as well as has gotten additional interviews from Leffen, and added another episode and is re-premiering this weekend.

/r/SSBM Thread Parent